Sunday, January 10, 2016

Boat Ride on Lake Atitlan - January 10th, 2016

     Today was the first day I actually woke up energized and ready to go, despite the fact that the time difference causing us to wake up two hours ahead of normal time. Today we went on a boat trip to Santiago and Panajachel. The sights from the lake were extraordinary, so many beautiful mansions. I can't really comprehend how all of these beautiful homes are so close to such poverty. We also ate at a very amazing restaurant with an amazing view of the lake. We visited many different shops with such beautiful things such as bags, clothes, wooden carvings, blankets, etc. Once we came back to the mission we ate a wonderful dinner. After the dinner was finished, my group was selected to do clean the tables and do the dishes. After my group finished cleaning we met again to go watch a movie about Fr. Greg Shaffer who dedicated his life to San Lucas to help the people who he considered family. Seeing his dedication and nobility really goes to show how much we can actually help, many of us don't think that we can do much because we aren't here to do something, but even just a small donation could help a family go from having nothing to having a roof over there head. I truly believe that we are making a huge impact over here even if we just might have to move wood from one house to another house across the street, because by doing this it gives a chance for another family to have a sustainable place to live. After the movie we headed to around town and finally are back in the hostel. I really can't wait to do more for this town in any way possible even if it is putting a smile on the locals faces, that would truly make my trip worth while.

- Jack A. Browning

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